Thursday, March 24, 2022

BAPTIST BITES: Anabaptist Forebears

     Today I’m eager to continue our series on the Baptists: how did we get here, what we believe, and why. We’ve reached the point where we need to set up some historical context. There are several early leaders and groups that bore small seeds of who we’d later become, but for our purposes we need to concentrate on the major players. This time, we look briefly at the Swiss Reformation and the Anabaptists.

     We usually associate the Protestant Reformation with great names like Martin Luther and John Calvin, but it actually sprung up in a few countries. For instance: in Switzerland, where priest Huldrych Zwingli began to speak out against corruptions and errors in the Roman Catholic Church. His “disputation” of 1523 was so effective that the city council of Zurich decided to adopt his reforms and convert to Protestantism. He preached for more radical changes than Luther, though. For instance, Zwingli held that the bread and wine of Communion did not in any way become the body and blood of the Lord; they were only symbols. We Baptists maintain that belief to this day. We also take from Zwingli the belief that God does not hold sin accountable against infants and young children until they have grown enough to understand and choose freely between good and evil, to understand their own sin and repent.

     But just as Zwingli went farther than Calvin, there were followers of Zwingli who believed his reforms didn’t go far enough. For instance, they became convinced from their studies that infant baptism was not Biblical. They saw no instances of infant baptism in the Bible, but only free decisions to be baptized upon conversion. This spiritual DNA is strong in Baptists still. The group held its first adult baptism in 1525 under the leadership of Konrad Grebel. In 1527 they (calling themselves the Swiss Brethren) adopted a formal statement of their faith, the Schleitheim Confession. The Confession had seven articles, some of which would resonate with Baptists today, some not. But certainly, their first article on Baptism would resonate with us well. It says in part,

“Baptism shall be given to all those who have learned repentance and amendment of life, and who believe truly that their sins are taken away by Christ, and to all those who walk in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and wish to be buried with Him in death…”

     The fourth article on Communion also agrees in large part with Baptist belief (the elements are a remembrance, not the Real Presence of Christ’s body and blood, and to be taken by true believers only). There are other articles which some (probably most) Baptists would depart from today, like refusing to take oaths, and reading the Sermon on the Mount so seriously as to refuse violence or war of any kind.

     But some of the Anabaptists’ beliefs caused political leaders to seek their banishment or extermination. When infants were baptized in State-controlled churches, those children were registered for 1) taxation and 2) conscription in military service, if that became necessary. The Brethren’s reforms sought to break the Church away from all state control. This was not to be tolerated, so even as the Schleitheim Confession was being drafted, some of the spiritual leaders were being rounded up and executed.

     Two features kept the Anabaptists from having the influence they could have had. One was their prohibition on war or violence. Though Baptists have much in common with them, most have not gone along with Anabaptist pacifism. Second was a tragic and confusing radicalization of men who followed a minister named Melchior Hoffman. Hoffmann shared many Anabaptist beliefs, and even called himself one, but many of the Anabaptist leaders thought that he was too radical, particularly in his obsession with the end times. He drew many followers, though, including a baker named Jan Matthijsz and a tailor named Jan van Leyden. Matthijsz took apocalypticism even further. He went to the city of Munster, calling himself a prophet, and began to preach that the city would soon become the New Jerusalem. Some of the misguided among Anabaptists flocked to Munster, and they were able to take over the city. The Catholic bishop sent an army to put down any resistance against his authority. Matthijsz was killed, and van Leyden took over. Van Leyden was even more deranged, calling himself the new King David, executing those who would not accept believer’s baptism, setting up a radical socialist system and instituting polygamy. Munster became a slaughterhouse. Finally the army of the Bishop was able to gain entrance after a long siege, and the “Anabaptist” leaders of the Munster Rebellion were tortured and killed.

     After this, the European powers tended to paint all Anabaptists with the same brush, lumping them all together with the radical revolutionaries (though other Anabaptist movements, like the Mennonites were quite moderate, nonviolent, and respectful of governing authority). The feeding frenzy was on, though, and Anabaptists were hunted, tortured and exterminated throughout Europe. Finally they reached Holland, where they found religious tolerance.

     Though the main channel of our Baptist heritage runs through the English Separatists (which I’ll cover next month), it is unquestionable that Anabaptist beliefs had some influence in forming who they would eventually become. Some areas of our theology are owed to them. One of our early English Baptist founders, John Smyth, actually pursued affiliation with the Mennonites along with his congregation. But for now, I hope you have found this little portrait of some of our Anabaptist ancestors to be fascinating. I hope that a picture is beginning to form in your mind of how some of our Baptist beliefs came to be.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

BAPTIST BITES: Formative Beliefs

  This month we begin our series of brief articles on Baptist beliefs and history. Today I want to give a quick description of those unique beliefs that give Baptist their identity. Dr. Robert Torbet, former professor of church history at two of our American Baptist seminaries, summarizes Baptist principles in his book The Baptist Story (Judson Press, 1964). I also refer to the article, "Ten Facts You Should Know About American Baptists" from our denominational website. I would summarize our distinctives like this:

  1. Jesus Christ alone is the head of the church. Our allegiance to Him should be total, not in conjunction with any human leaders.
  2. The Bible is our authority in all matters of Christian faith and practice. We are non-creedal. Human creeds and confessions can aid understanding but should not be used as tests of authenticity. The Bible is the final word and standard.
  3. Regenerate church membership: the local church is made of those who have received new life in Jesus and have testified to that new life through believer's baptism by immersion.
  4. Baptists observe two "ordinances" of our faith. Along with believer's baptism by immersion, we celebrate The Lord's Supper, with the bread and cup serving as memorial symbols of Christ's broken body and shed blood. We differ in this aspect from other traditions who believe the elements transform into the body and blood, or that Christ's real presence is in the elements themselves.
  5. Priesthood of the believer: Every Christian has direct access to God through the one Mediator, Jesus. As such, they are all responsible to give a witness of their faith through sharing the gospel news and living it for others to see. The responsibility for the life and ministry of the church, then, is upon the congregation as they contribute their spiritual gifts to the work of the whole.
  6. The local church is the fundamental unit of mission in how Baptist churches carry the Gospel to people locally and globally. Local churches identify and help equip members gifted for mission, and Baptist churches cooperate to send them out and support them.
  7. Soul freedom: Each person is responsible to God for decisions that will determine his/her eternal destiny. So, everyone must be free to worship God as the Scriptures and Holy Spirit direct the conscience. 
  8. Local church autonomy: As Jesus alone is the head of the church, the Bible is our only authority, the local church is the fundamental unit of mission, and individuals are responsible before God to serve according to the dictates of conscience, it is natural that we uphold need for “autonomous congregations, responsible for articulating their own doctrine, style of worship and mission.” (“Ten Facts…” ABCUSA website)
  9. The Church, therefore, must not be dominated by the State. Baptists are among the pioneering advocates of separation of Church and State, having faced much intolerance and State oppression in our past.

When we return next month, we’ll gaze down through history, looking for people and movements that started to lay the groundwork for the beliefs that Baptists hold today.  I hope you’ll find it interesting, and encouraging to those who’d like to know why Baptists believe the things they do.

BAPTIST BITES: An Introduction

This month, I thought I’d start a series of articles I’m calling Baptist Bites. In them, I hope to provide short, digestible accounts to the history, people and beliefs that led to who we are as Baptists today. 

In our local church we have a mix: lifetime Baptists as well as those who have joined us from other denominational roots. I think this little series will be helpful to both groups. For those who came from other traditions, there are surely some who researched Baptists as they were joining, or perhaps received a class about it later. On the other hand, people often join a new church because they’ve married someone who is an active member and wishes to remain. Perhaps they join because they find the doctrine to be Biblical and the people to be welcoming and loving (we hope that’s true of us!) In any case, they might wonder, in the back of their minds, how this Baptist tradition came to be. What are the unique beliefs that made the founding generations feel they needed to start their own denominational tradition? 

A “brush-up session” might be good for us lifetime Baptists as well. For decades, a sense of historical roots and identity has been crumbling. That’s true in churches as well as the culture in general. Many (maybe most?) new Evangelical churches are nondenominational, and many older churches are deleting the denominational identifiers from their names. They certainly have the right to do as it seems best to them, and I actually don’t mind learning from other traditions and incorporating some of their best ideas—so long as they’re Biblically-faithful. But it also seems to me that churches these days are happy to morph themselves into something entirely different without first taking the effort to understand their own tradition, why they believe as they do, and what are the really good ideas in their own spiritual heritage. If they re-invent themselves out of ignorance of their own identity, they’re in great danger of losing much that is precious—that they might come to regret after it’s gone.

I start this little series, then, in hopes that we will learn what is unique and good about this family tradition we’re part of today. To be sure, our tradition is far from perfect. That’s always the case when human beings had anything to do with it. But there are some reasons that Baptists believe and practice as they do—and some of them are pretty good reasons!

I don’t write these with the intent to make you feel inferior or wrong if you came from a different tradition that you still value. Every denominational tradition has some good ideas! My goal that we can all see and appreciate the good things that the Baptist tradition can offer in our quest to know, love and follow Jesus together. I hope it will be interesting, and maybe even a little bit fun!

The Lord to End All Wars

  In the summer of 1914, the countries of Europe were drawn into war by a complex set of alliances. Though few of them relished the confli...